Friday, February 11, 2011

It's an especially gray Seattle day.  I don't think it rained, but I'm not sure because I have yet to leave my apartment.  Oh yea.  It's almost 5:30.  Why is it that despite the fact that I finished a paper (three days before it's due), and cleaned the apartment (like washed our windows, scrubbed window sills, and dusted), I still feel unproductive?

Maybe something about lack of human contact.

Thank God that Mom called in the middle of the day or who knows what.

The interesting thing is that the longer I go without seeing people, and the more I want to be around them, the more I don't want to be around them.  My disconnection makes it harder to reconnect.  To make matters worse, now I have a whole weekend and no paper to write!  What am I going to do?  What will I stress out about?  I'm not sure what to do with myself if I can't be stressed about school.

Oh yea, I can be stressed about internship.

[Insert perpetual whining here.]

And I think I'm stressed about money or something.  I've had a longing all day - and typically every day - for beautiful things, and they all cost money.  So then I feel this weird void.  

Here are some stupidly beautiful things I've been looking at/thinking about today (they're really annoying):

Grumble.  I hate how beautiful things are sometimes.