Monday, October 25, 2010

I'm a student of [insert name] Graduate School

It's official.  I found out at work today (for those that don't know, I have been working in the Mars Hill Graduate School Admissions Department).

Mars Hill Graduate School has decided to change it's name.

Many of you probably don't know about the ongoing struggle that we face with having the same name as one of the most talked-about, biggest churches on the West Coast - Mars Hill Church.  (Wow, I'm in the process of having major deja vu as I write this).  Also, home to one of today's most controversial pastors - Mark Driscoll.  Google him.  Google the church.  Find out for yourself.

So, it becomes tricky when a lot of Seattlites have a super negative view of the church and assume that it's affiliated with my school.  It also becomes tricky when I meet someone that really loves Mars Hill Church and/or Mark Driscoll, and assumes I'm being taught by him (where they got the idea that churches now hand out masters degrees is something I don't understand).

There have always been rumors that someone will change their name first.  There is a constant debate at my school as to what it means if we do or do not change our school's name.  I guess they decided it was worth it.

We don't have any official names yet, but the goal is to have one by April.

At any rate, this is kind of a big deal.  Our institution is only 12 years old - just getting our name on the map.  I'm sure they've thought through all of the pros and cons, but as someone working in the Admissions Department, talking with prospective students about possibly attending, it's a bit paradoxical to think that all of a sudden I won't be saying the same name.  

And another thing, if we change our name by April 2011, and I graduate in May of 2012, what will be on my diploma?  We started out as attending Mars Hill Graduate School - that's where our hearts lie.  But they'll be picked up, and placed with another name.  Another context.  Another identity.  

For so long, many students (and I'm sure staff and faculty) have wanted to change our name because of the complications it creates for us.  When someone asks if we're affiliated with the church, it really is tough to explain how we're not in a manner that's honoring to the church.  It would be so nice if we didn't have to even try to have the tactful conversation.  But now that it's definitely changing, I all of a sudden feel attached.

Kind of like when I went to the DMV and was all of a sudden faced with either losing my middle name or my last name.  I realized I couldn't decide.  How to choose?  Who to become?  What part of me to I let evaporate?  (Now, because of my indecisiveness, I'm stuck with four freaking names, which is almost just as bad as having to lose one).

To give you a little insight into the world of one Mars Hill Graduate School student, and possibly others, I am giving you a link to a friend's blog post on this topic.  We have been in most of the same classes together and were in Practicum my first year.  His name is John.  This may entertain some of you and entirely offend others of you.  Most of you might just be utterly confused because you have no idea about Mars Hill Graduate School or Mars Hill Church.  But, this may give you a clue as to what some of us experience as related to the church.

(P.S. I find it hilarious - and brilliant.)

Click here to read John's letter to Mars Hill Church.

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