We had a full visit but somehow it wasn't too full. We relaxed a lot and spent really good time together. We looked for apartments, had a fun visit to Target, played some frisbee, went to dinner IN a movie theater (and saw The Usual Suspects which was awesome), we grilled dinner on a beach, and went park-hopping. Luckily, every day that he was here the weather was absolutely perfect - mid-50s and sunny. These pictures are just from our last day when we went to Kerry Park and Discovery Park. We had such a great visit and, of course, it was so hard to see him go again.

One of the best views of the city - Kerry Park in Queen Anne.

Mt. Rainier from Kerry Park

What a charmer.

I love this one of us at Kerry Park.

Then we went on to Discovery Park which is on the western side of the city. It's a park full of hiking trails and beautiful beaches. This is T! In a tree!

So precious on the North Shore

Flexing on the beach. Typical.

Beautiful beach

I was having a talk with a rock

A rock I found that sea barnacles had grown on

Delicious crab

These guys were everywhere - paddling on surfboards

It's sunny! He's digging for shells

Our collection of shells

So many seagulls!

He's so handsome...

And I am so strong...Like Zeus with my lightening bolt.

Fierce in a teepee

Jumping on rocks

Admiring the splendor

T really likes this photo of me - he did a good job snapping shots

This is what we saw after we finished collecting a billion shells...good thing to note.

Stunning view of Mt. Rainier from the South Shore
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