So the grocery store had an amazing sale on blueberries a couple days ago: buy 1 pint, get 2 free. DUH. We got 3 pints.
Our solution to using them before they went bad? Cobbler.
This is the pre-cobbler stage: blueberries mixed with sugar, a little flour, and something else that I can't remember.
Yesterday (Tuesday) we were getting stressed about our lack-of-job success. Dana and I decided to walk to the nearest public library, print out resumes, and hand them to every business that would take them.
This is Dana outside of a random community center on our way to the library. I thought it was pretty.
This is our view as we were crossing over the interstate. It was beautiful, but let me tell you...I don't want to cross over too many more interstates in my life.

My official library card! I had to sign the back and everything. What a grown-up.
This is the Seattle Public Library in the University District. It was super small, but I'm not complaining.
Today (Wednesday) Dana and I took all the resumes we printed out to the shopping district in downtown Seattle. Just as a disclaimer before you come, the shopping district is INSANE. Below, however, is a giant metal pig that you order b-b-q sandwiches from. It was weird.
Video of Brother Willie and the Market Crew outside of the original Starbucks. You have to turn sideways to watch but the sound is great!!
After grabbing a yummy, cheap lunch at the market we walked to school!! It's so lovely :)'s awesome.
And on our way to catch the bus home, we went past the space needle! It has a pretty cool story if you want to learn a bit about it here.
So we finally catch the bus home and are absolutely exhausted. Despite the fact that we went to all the effort to print resumes, get to downtown, walk into stores and try to apply, most big retail places just make you do online applications nowadays. It's pretty stupid if you ask me because you send your application into cyber-space and then probably never hear from them again. But I've applied to Borders, Gap, a local restaurant called Tutta Bella, the local grocery store called QFC, and have an application to fill out for Patagonia. Whew. It's tiring!
But we had a really nice view on the bus ride home. That'll help any day! Especially since my feet hurt so bad I can't stand up.

does mom know you actually crossed that interstate? i bet she'd make you move back in two seconds. : )