So apparently there's a designated day in Seattle where all the neighborhoods have block parties. That was Tuesday night - and it was cool.

Our block party - mm burgers, home-made spring rolls, pasta salads, fresh salads and from our house: Kraft mac n' cheese

Me and three of my four roomies at the block party: Natalie, Glory, and Dana. I love them :)

This is poor Natalie's eye - she was dying last night. I think the block party must have been too much to handle.

This is my desk - it's on wheels and that's freakin awesome. All my crap underneath - that's not awesome.

Yay this is my pretty-in-pink room! That weird white thing is actually meant to go behind my desk to give me some shelves but right now I'm using it as a night stand. I have some lovely drawers that go under my bed and it's wonderful.

Me and Mr. Monkey!

Dana and Mr. Monkey on Team Miracle - it's a long story but he's cute nonetheless

Mr. Monkey
kels, the real question is did Natalie's eye feel like it was getting pushed back in her head and did she have snot coming out of it?