Dive! Trailer from Compeller Pictures on Vimeo.
This post is for all of you that have given me grief over the last two years for dumpster diving. Granted, when I dove almost two and a half years ago, I wasn't aware of the social justice action that I was taking part in.
For those of you that are completely repulsed by the idea of digging food out of a trash can, take two minutes to watch the trailer for the documentary, Dive! This film was made by the friends of my friends' friends :) Not only are they surviving SOLELY off of food that they find in dumpsters, but they are engaging in the broader societal issues of world hunger, political machines, and agribusiness. Additionally, in my mind, they are also engaging in broader theological issues of stewardship (caring for all of God's creation) with regard to the ways we consume as a culture. The filmmakers expose the horrific facts on the waste that is produced within the food industry and juxtapose our excess with much of the world's deficit. In other words, they wrestle with the question, "How is it possible that we can waste so much when so much of the world is going hungry?"
While the idea of dumpster diving as a lifestyle is new to me, these broader issues are precisely the ones that I'm wrestling with in the independent research project that I am involved in at my school. Two other women and I meet every week over a shared meal and conversation about food, community, and spirituality. We are supervised by a theology professor. What a beautiful gift these women have been in my life (and in my marriage) to consider how my food choices reflect so much about my sense of self, community, and creation at large.
If the trailer is intriguing, I HIGHLY recommend watching the whole film (it's only 50 minutes and it's currently on Netflix Instant!) It has really sparked some great conversation between T and I with regards to the choices we make, our "food consciousness," and our lifestyle.
Stick it to the man! Watch Dive!